Step 1 - How to setup a PBN

A general description on how to setup PBNs

What is PBN about?

Having a blog with relevant content, sitting on a high authority domain that links back to your money site in order to push its search rankings higher.

Group PBNs into general interest groups

When creating a PBN, make sure to focus on building blogs that cover more general topics than your target money site. There should be a general association between the content on a PBN site and the money site however. 

For example, internet marketing.

Your PBN sites should consist of blogs covering lots of different topics centered around internet marketing products, wordpress, SEO etc. 

Your PBN site should cover different topics but still be relevant to your money site.

Buffer Sites

A high PR blog network should ideally be connected via buffer sites to your money site. You want to minimize directly linking to your money sites if possible.

We can add buffer sites anywhere in the PBN matrix. Think tiered link building.

Buffer sites don’t need high domain authority, don’t have rank relevancy, but have high content relevance.

We can directly point PBN blogs to our money site but we can also point them to our buffer sites which only feature content related to our money site.

Buffer sites pass authority of high PBN blogs indirectly and also have a chance of ranking in Google because they have high relevance to our money site. 

Starter PBN layout

Start with 10 high domain authority blogs and 3 buffer sites that you use to pass authority down  to your money site.

You don’t always need buffer sites, build them last if you are having a hard time ranking.

Your money site should link randomly to the PBN blogs.

Link some PBN sites to buffer sites.