Whats New

26 Article Sources + Proxy Tester + New UI Scheme + Usual Fixes

A new update has landed just before Christmas comes.

Proxy Tester

The proxy tester can be found in the proxy option screen. It is very simple but works. The proxy code has also gotten a big upgrade. It will automatically stop using proxies that timeout. This is necessary if you plan to use public proxies with SCM. Proxy

You can load proxies via text file or paste it via the clipboard.new proxy window

Those annoying popup boxes you get when there are connection errors have been all removed or reduced.

I recommend private proxies.

If you must, public proxies can also be used. If that is the case less popup boxes makes using public proxies a viable option now.

16+ New Article Sources

NB: You must uninstall and reinstall SCM in order to get the new article sources

custom sources

The article sources have expanded. As you may have noticed the xpath requirement has been relaxed. Most sites work with the default //html xpath. It is no longer necessary to hunt for xpaths… unless the default settings do not work.

I have enabled filtering and added 3 new columns.
1. Tag: allows you to tag your sources for better filtering
2. Preview button so you can see exactly what SCM scrapes.
3. Preview in browser so you can make sure the site is responsive.

The upgrade to custom sources is necessary. Why? 2 new big content scraping tools are coming to SCM!!! (Hint: 1 of them will be an article downloader)

You might also notice that yahoo news is an available option. This is for testing. Try it out. SCM is no longer just an “article directory” scraper.

Brand spankin' new UI scheme

SCM has changed its UI scheme to a pleasing lighter baby blue color. UI has been made more consistent across the board as well. This is in preparation for new exciting content tools coming to SCM.

New UI

Bug fixes + Enhancements

  • As requested increased the limit on links per article to 5. Note, this feature doesn't work very well for content less than 500 words.
  • Spin Titles is an option when generating content. If you uncheck it SCM will use scraped titles instead.
  • Flikr image scraper (CC images) has been re-coded to be 4 times faster! It now returns 15 images instead of 6 in half the time.
  • Google keyword scraper was not working and has been fixed
  • Crashes due to clipboard have been fixed
  • The copy button in the document window is working again
  • Export form has been cleaned up


Thanks for being part of the SEO Content Machine family…

Look forward to some new tools this Christmas,