
August 2024 Changelog

========= August 30 2024 =========

  • fix: SCM UI translation not working

========= August 29 2024 =========

  • feat: webhooks added test service button
  • fix: webhook validate renamed to pretty json
  • fix: webhook validate renamed to validate json
  • fix: webhook textarea can not be cleared of data

========= August 28 2024 =========

  • fix: groqai allow wait > 1 min

========= August 26 2024 =========

  • other: dynamic scraper, dont allow task save if google sheet is not selected
  • other: google maps, dont allow task save if google sheet is not selected
  • other: google maps, display better error message if you didn't select a sheet
  • fix: google maps, faster exit while scrolling for results

========= August 23 2024 =========

  • feat: Article creator, import local content and use it with AI prompts
  • other: article creator image insert, moved around settings to more logical sections, specifically insert type moved to bottom as it should always be ‘cached'

========= August 22 2024 =========

  • feat: article creator, ai user macro insert button will insert macro with =
  • feat: article creator, display default ai being used in dropdown
  • feat: article creator, insert image, display current default ai image service name
  • fix: article creator, macro missing showing regex codes

========= August 21 2024 =========

  • fix: post uploader title detection accepts newlines
  • fix: soft spinner will not spin html attributes, and is html safe

========= August 20 2024 =========

  • feat: ai image stable diffusion added
  • feat: article creator, url filter, url box to filter results

========= August 19 2024 =========

  • fix: article creator, link sentence, removing last character of words in spintax groups.
  • feat: article creator, new ai macro ‘%previous_content%' which can be used in prompts to send previously generated content to the ai as context
  • fix: Article creator, contextual link, will not insert links into headers
  • fix: Article creator, contextual link, use the keywords from link as list of words to match instead of default article keyword
  • feat: Article creator, contextual link, allow partial matching of keywords
  • feat: article creator, insert contextual link, will search entire article for main article keyword to replace with link. If that fails it will choose random word length.

========= August 18 2024 =========

  • feat: image scraper, ai image service selector drop down added

========= August 17 2024 =========

  • fix: post uploader, better duplicate post title detection
  • feat: post uploader, allow posting as page

========= August 16 2024 =========

  • fix: Article creator, custom titles, images, videos will remember last used position when going to next article keyword
  • feat: ai image model selection in api settings

========= August 15 2024 =========

  • feat: article creator, custom images a loaded sequentially, first if mixed with scraped images
  • feat: Webhooks for AI prompts

========= August 14 2024 =========

  • fix: article creator, no longer inserts content like lists at end of article

========= August 12 2024 =========

  • fix: Article creator insert random link always at first line

========= August 10 2024 =========

  • feat: WP xml gen, add post status draft
  • fix: article creator, insert custom list items not working

========= August 08 2024 =========

  • feat: post uploader, set post to draft
  • fix: dynamic scraper, range select applied correctly to data:image
  • fix: Article creator, articleSubheadingMinLength wasn't being correctly used
  • fix: Article creator, image insert default is no longer base64 images as wp poster is able of uploading all images in a post directly to wp blog.
  • fix: article creator, default image insert is ‘cache' renamed from ‘hotlinked'. Images are cached locally so that WP uploader can correctly access images when uploading them.
  • fix: Article creator, duplicated tasks, upload post button will open new task if required
  • fix: article creator, link insert, empty display has message

========= August 07 2024 =========

  • fix: post uploader removing all image when using featured image
  • fix: Google maps unable to find website details

========= August 06 2024 =========

  • feat: wp upload post, uses the alt tag to assign an image filename to WP
  • other: article creator, img tag string writes src attribute last
  • feat: post uploader, featured image is removed from post after upload.
  • fix: Google maps not finding all content

========= August 05 2024 =========

  • fix: article creator, large links more than 512kb are automatically spun down
  • fix: article creator, insert links, random links will insert as many links as you request. No longer limited to 1 per paragraph
  • fix: article creator, insert links better random location
  • fix: dynamic scraper, more task logs
  • fix: article creator, if too many urls in link, it will not insert them as spun group

========= August 04 2024 =========

  • fix: article creator, insert random links will not insert inside spun brackets.

========= August 03 2024 =========

  • fix: Re-enabled auto db compact on scm app startup. Will crunch big db sizes for faster startup. Can also run compact manually inside settings utilities.
  • feat: article creator, url filter, various enhancements
  • fix: ai writer, syntax highlight of service|model failing on multiline prompts
  • fix: ai prompt, inline service matching incorrectly on prompts with : inside it
  • fix: dynamic scraper, rolled back a change that removed empty items in rules
  • fix: Allow clear google spreadsheet selection
  • fix: google translate free failing silently

========= August 02 2024 =========

  • other: Tutorial link for dynamic scraper filter modal
  • feat: dynamic scraper, range select to pick out individual items from a css selection
  • style: All regex replace boxes use monospace font for readability
  • feat: dynamic scraper, global filters at the bottom of task run after individual rule filters run
  • feat: dynamic scraper, data + filter combined into 1 modal
  • fix: article creator, url filter long lines breaking table display
  • feat: article creator, url filter, italic rows that you click copy button on

========= August 01 2024 =========

  • feat: article creator, new RAG based ai template
  • feat: article creator, allow multiple different ai services and models to be called inline inside prompts
  • feat: Google maps, scrape about, services text
  • style: article creator, filter url, wider modal width 75%, more space for action buttons to avoid wrapping