Create AI articles from content on your hard drive
You have articles on your hard drive and you want to send them into AI models to get re-written, summarised etc.
The article creator allows you to access articles on your hard drive and load them into macros that can be placed inside AI prompts.
How to load articles into the Article Creator
Create a new Article Creator task.

Before you can load articles, you must choose an AI prompt.

The AI template editor will show.

Choose any RAG template to support loading article content into an AI prompt.
The simplest template, is RAG, rewrite using 1 article.

Click on the template to see the prompts.

As you hover over the template, it gives you a tooltip description of how it works.

Click Select button to load the prompt into the Article Creator.

Our AI prompts are loaded.

How does the AI template work?
The macros %scraped_article% and %scraped_article_title% are used to load content into an AI prompt.

Macros are loaded into a user macro, so we have a copy we can re-use in the AI prompt above.

We use a copy because each time the real %scraped_article% and %scraped_article_title%, macros are used it loads the next article in our folder.
The prompt is instructing the AI to just summarise the content in the article.
How to load articles from hard drive
In order to load articles, we must select a source.
Scroll down to find ‘Load articles'

Enable it to show the browse folder settings.
Click ‘Select folder' to load our articles

Now set the article count.
Make sure the article count matches the number of articles in our folder.
If we don't have enough articles, SCM will print an error in the task log.

A setting of 1, will just take the first article and send it to the AI.
A setting of 10, will load the first 10 articles, etc
Click Run to see the task in action.

Task output explanation
The task log will explain what steps are being taken.
2 x load messages are displayed.
This is where content from our file is being parsed and loaded into the AI macros.

Next the prompt is generated and sent to the AI model.
Once finished, the newly summarised article is written to the output folder.

If you have multiple articles the article creator will load each article sequentially.

If you don't have enough articles, the task will run to completion but show the following error message.
Out of articles.