
July 2024 Changelog

========= July 31 2024 =========

  • fix: AI system role message are prepended to the start of your prompts
  • feat: article creator, url filter, added copy url button
  • feat: article creator, ai writer will finish early if it runs out of new content calling scraped_article macro
  • feat: article creator, filter url, quick add url button added
  • feat: article creator, scraped_article_title added
  • other: article creator, moved content filter to under SERP section
  • fix: article creator, ai word count is done after all content inserts are applied as well
  • fix: Article creator content filter modal still shows 'empty state' box on content load

========= July 30 2024 =========

  • fix: Static scraper test selector uses iframe preview to isolate CSS bugs

========= July 29 2024 =========

  • feat: Article creator, new AI macro %scraped_article% inject the text contents of an article into your prompts
  • feat: custom timeout settings for openai models

========= July 28 2024 =========

  • feat: Updated AI outline template, new macros to refer to outline h2/h3 headings for better context

========= July 27 2024 =========

  • feat: Timeout for most AI services increased to 15 mins

========= July 26 2024 =========

  • fix: AI writer getTag error
  • feat: google maps, updates to socials detection
  • feat: Google maps, print query with task step count
  • feat: Task log clear button added
  • fix: Article creator not inserting images if custom image checkbox was not enabled
  • feat: article creator user macros can be used globally in content inserts

========= July 24 2024 =========

  • fix: article creator, using any paa macro will enabled google scraping even if scraped results is set to 0 urls
  • feat: article creator, ai template editor, add duplicate template button
  • feat: article creator, insert images, separate checkbox to enable custom images

========= July 21 2024 =========

  • feat: dynamic scraper, get page url + get date, if you use a selector it will no longer leave columns after row 1 empty. It will fill down.

========= July 20 2024 =========

  • feat: dynamic scraper add new action ‘get date' returns date with customizable format
  • fix: dynamic scraper, changing to next page action didn't reload number input as well
  • feat: article creator, ai outline outputs number of article section generated
  • other: Tooltips for openai settings

========= July 18 2024 =========

  • feat: article creator, throw error if ai prompt is empty
  • fix: Increased width of chain task dropdown
  • other: AI prompt template rename
  • feat: article creator, error if the keywords box is empty
  • fix: article creator, ai template editor macro buttons correctly insert text into right textbox
  • feat: Upload poster, remove post file from hard drive after uploaded to blog
  • feat: Post uploader, delete posts directly from preview table
  • fix: article creator, task log displays kb of images being downloaded
  • other: article creator export wp, single line text input for categories
  • feat: Post uploader display unlimited posts in preview table
  • feat: Article creator allow export to ‘wordpress' with ‘post to blog' button
  • fix: correctly update ui menu on change to post uploader

========= July 17 2024 =========

  • feat: Change log text to ‘resume' when resuming tasks

========= July 16 2024 =========

  • feat: Groqai rate limit retry time is doubled to stay under limits
  • feat: Error message if you create ai user macro that have new lines
  • other: Rename the ai template names to be more descriptive

========= July 15 2024 =========

  • feat: Article creator starts with no default ai prompt. Instead a select ai prompt button is given
  • fix: SCM API not returning data with find projection
  • fix: SCM API project/find not returning contents of File props

========= July 11 2024 =========

  • feat: scm api call get /blog-settings/:id returns the data for one blog by id
  • feat: post uploader, can set category of posts inside the preview table

========= July 10 2024 =========

  • feat: You can set cookies in the dynamic scraper

========= July 09 2024 =========

  • feat: SCM API an add, update and delete blog settings

========= July 07 2024 =========

  • fix: AI writer soft error trying to split sentences

========= July 06 2024 =========

  • feat: Export task now uses taskname as default filename

========= July 05 2024 =========

  • feat: Article creator, allow choosing an ai model that applies to that task only
  • fix: Openai error logging [object] instead of message

========= July 03 2024 =========

  • feat: Google maps, csv output added checkbox to keep results between runs
  • feat: Google maps, de dupe results using the domain name

========= July 01 2024 =========

  • fix: Google maps not returning name of places