Insert images into existing articles and upload them as featured images
If you have articles on your hard drive and need to insert images into them, you can do this easily using the Article Creator.
Acceptable sources for images are:
- Url to image
- Image on your hard drive
- You can also scrape images using our image scraper tool
You also have many options on where and how to insert the the images.
Once articles have been processed you can upload them to your WordPress blog as featured image as well.
Assuming that you have
- Articles on your drive
- Images on your drive
Create new Article Creator task

Under generator, choose existing articles

Select the location of the articles on your hard drive

Switch to insert tab
Enable insert image

Scroll down to source
Uncheck any search sources like bing
Check ‘use custom images'

Click select images

This will open a file box where you can select the images you want to insert
Scroll back to image insert top
You can input images to appear randomly
At a specific paragraph position

Hit run to begin task

The article creator will:
- Open each article
- Insert each image in sequence
- Save image inside the article
Images are processed sequentially.
If you have 10 articles and 10 images, and request 1 image randomly, each article will have one image without duplication.
The task log will read out the images it finds

It will show the processing status of each article

To view the article, click on the blue preview button

Upload to WordPress with feature image
To upload the articles to WordPress with featured images, make the following changes.
Inside the Article Creator task, set export to WordPress

Hit run.
That is it, no other changes required.

On task completion, click upload posts.

Select featured image.
Select a blog.
If there is an image inside the post it will be detected and a green check mark appears.
The first image inside the article is used as the featured image.
As long as the featured image was inserted as an embedded data url, SCM will upload the image to your blog automatically for you.