
June 2022 Changelog

========= June 27 2022 =========

  • fix: Ignore items that don't exist when creating qna, where max is greater than items actually existing. Fix undefined error.

========= June 24 2022 =========

  • feat: Add tutorial links for ai writer
  • fix: AI writer unable to insert new lines after using lists
  • fix: Changing order of sections then trying to edit headers causes index error crash leading to stuck ai writer screen.
  • fix: AI writer error because required data files are not created in time when loading writing canvas on first load.
  • fix: Tooltips all showing together in ai writer country selection

========= June 22 2022 =========

  • fix: Custom content article anywhere is forced to be after 1st line. It can no longer appear at top.
  • feat: Additional title and subtitle case options
  • fix: Subtitles and titles are scraped without caps processing, they will be saved to cache as they originally exist when scraped.
  • feat: Additional title and subtitle macro types to make them lower case.
  • other: %keyword-slug% renamed to %keyword_slug%
  • add: article variable and keyword macro support to content insert mode
  • fix: Correctly insert a new line when using custom CSV templates
  • fix: Remove [heading] from appearing in article creator.

========= June 21 2022 =========

  • other: Slim down bug report email size

========= June 19 2022 =========

  • other: Revert update to ranker x template to remove h1 tags

========= June 17 2022 =========

  • other: Rename button more accurately to set ‘100 results per page'

========= June 16 2022 =========

  • feat: Insert any number of tokens (eg keywords) into your article in random locations when using mass article creator. You don't need to use links to do this anymore.

========= June 14 2022 =========

  • feat: You must manually set Google ‘results per page' using settings menu.
  • fix: Low success rate of SCM captcha breaker.

========= June 13 2022 =========

  • fix: Google window was visible during scraping.
  • fix: Translator selection errors not loading languages.

========= June 12 2022 =========

  • fix: Add libre paid as option

========= June 11 2022 =========

  • fix: More detailed WP posting error messages

========= June 09 2022 =========

  • fix: Remove un editable empty tags from writing assistant textareas
  • feat: Add remainder ui ol and restyle the format buttons in writing assistant.
  • feat: Update the list of BING translator languages to use new 2022 list.
  • feat: Add italic/bold/h2
  • feat: Add italic/bold/h2

========= June 08 2022 =========

  • fix: Correctly restart number sequence when saving images to hard drive in image scraper.
  • fix: CC image search is working again
  • fix: Image scraper not starting unless you recheck options.
  • style: Enable new fonts on all dark themes
  • style: Default font style set to consolas for windows machines.
  • feat: Add save as html button to ai writer
  • feat: Add save as html button to ai writer

========= June 07 2022 =========

  • fix: Preserve all caps on acronyms when passed to the title case function eg IBM

========= June 04 2022 =========

  • fix: Dynamic scraper not finishing due to uncaught errors