
November 2020 Changelog

========= November 30 2020 =========

  • other: More debug lines for wayback scraper.
  • feat: Add progress indicator to wayback scraper task header.
  • fix: Archive org scraper, add ‘index' to filename if it is blank.

========= November 25 2020 =========

  • fix: Not closing Google browser after finished.
  • feat: Import and export project all settings to file.
  • feat: Secure your SCM API by adding a secret api key.

========= November 24 2020 =========

  • fix: Perpetual license holders had problems logging in.
  • feat: Add support for french spinner
  • feat: Added free vietnamese spinner, (soft spin vietnamese).

========= November 22 2020 =========

  • fix: Add news shortcut to left hand menu list.

========= November 21 2020 =========

  • fix: Google scraper would hang and timeout if captcha task id was not being returned by the server, there is a max 5 min wait time imposed before a retry.

========= November 20 2020 =========

  • fix: Soft spin will correctly preserve caps in titles/subtitles when used in article creator.

========= November 18 2020 =========

  • other: Better logging for captcha solution errors with no task id.
  • feat: Pressing enter in password entry box on login screen will log you in without clicking on login button.

========= November 16 2020 =========

  • fix: Don't trim proxy string being displayed in task logs.

========= November 12 2020 =========

  • fix: Bing translate, required location field.
  • other: Throw an error if you try add wp blog with ‘wp-admin' in url.

========= November 09 2020 =========

  • fix: Disable db auto compact as it is causing file corruption.
  • fix: News insert wont crash if google doesnt return any news items.
  • fix: CSS selector is ignored if the value is left blank for both article downloader and search scraper.

========= November 06 2020 =========

  • fix: Google maps failing if you used address with , and & symbols.
  • fix: Add default date if page redirect date was left empty.
  • fix: Remove page redirector url default.
  • feat: Page redirect content insert has been added to article creator.
  • style: Remove the ‘insert' prefix from content inserts.

========= November 05 2020 =========

  • other: Combine 2-3 sentences to make a paragraph when using suggest article.

========= November 04 2020 =========

  • other: Cleared up log output of article creator task, to show url download status and the rank position of site being used.

========= November 03 2020 =========

  • feat: Content inserter tool can now insert links into existing content.
  • fix: Allow spintax in google maps preview.
  • feat: Allow spintax in start and destination fields inside insert google directions.
  • fix: Insert as sentence works correctly when processing html content.
  • fix: Don't insert content above the top line when using content inserter.
  • other: Write name as ‘.master' when using combine csv.
  • feat: Added ability to create super spun file in article creator, will combine all created articles into one single spun article file.

========= November 02 2020 =========

  • feat: Insert SEO NAP (name, address, phone) via article creator.
  • feat: Add google directions map insert
  • fix: Add extra height so that clicking on content insert menu list will correctly jump to the insert start location.

========= November 01 2020 =========

  • fix: Always spin text before trying to translate it when using bulk spin + translate tool.
  • fix: News snippets crash when no news items was found.