
Free Online Content Generators

Looking for a free online content generator to experiment with or get started with without spending a cent?

Here is a list of the tools and a few words:

Article Creator (fullcontentrss)

  • Searches news feeds from Google/Bing/Yahoo
  • Can scrape up to 10 articles for you
  • Is quite fast

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  • Need to pay $4/month in order to re-write articles
  • Sometimes you get error trying to download results
  • Doesn't spin or mash articles, just dumps articles as is onto your screen



  • Won't scrape content for you, it just re-writes it using its own in built spinner
  • Can handle English/Bulgarian/Russian text
  • Can shuffle sentences around to make article more unique
  • Can give you text/spintax format

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  • Must wait 2 minutes between requests
  • Doesn't scrape content, you need to provide it with an article
  • You must pay for larger English synonym db as well for the Bulgarian, Russian ones.


SEO Article Generator

  • Just a simple article re-writer
  • Clean site, however you need to signup before you can try it out.

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  • Won't scrape any content for you, you need to do that your self.
  • Must signup to use free service.
  • Free account only spins 100 words (not enough)


Is it really free?

None of the ones I found were really a “free content generator”.

In fact I would consider them trials for the main product.

Most of all content generators online tend to only do the article re-writing step.

You want a tool that does:

  1. Scraping
  2. Content Shuffling
  3. Article Re-writing

Its a combination of those 3 that make a fully featured content generator.

However, if you are happy to scrape content manually, and shuffle it around by hand, there are a LOT of content generators that will do part 3 Article re-writing for you.

Scraping content is a relatively expensive operation and the online tools tend to shy away from that step.