
Using a free content generator online and make it appear not obvious

Found an awesome free or almost free content generator online, but afraid that Google might catch you in the act?

Or do you routinely spin articles and worried if it really is unique enough?

No one wants their blog to be kicked off the map and de-indexed.

free content generator online

Don't get de-indexed

Unfortunately, no one knows exactly how search engines, like Google or Bing decide when it’s time for your website to be de-indexed.

We only have “general ideas” based on published guidelines.

Having a blog is great, as it generates awareness about your brand and builds authority and customer trust.

Since blogs need to be updated regularly to be considered alive, we are always looking for easier ways out. Is it a wonder then that many people find and start experimenting with content generators online?

Nonetheless, you do not need to be paranoid.

Here are some ideas to make sure your website contains quality articles even while cutting corners here and there.

List of things to be mindful of:

  1. Avoid duplicate content
    This is something the search engines do not like. Make sure your content is unique so it does not appear less valuable in the SE’s eyes.Run your content through Copyscape or CopyGator to ensure its uniqueness.
  2. Do not over stuff keywords in your content
    If Google sees that your article has a high keyword % it might consider it spam. Use related keywords, or pro-nouns to lower the keyword density.
  3. Include links to other authority sites
    Throw in a link to Wikipedia, here or there. Link out to related pages and sites.
  4. Remove dead links or links to bad neighbourhoods
    If you use external links, remember to click on them from time to time to ensure they still exist. If they no longer exist, pull them off your content.Also be wary of linking to spammy or low quality sites as this can affect you.
  5. Do not use raw scraped content
    Remember to make it unique. Even randomly combining scraped content might not be enough to make your article unique enough. Scrape or do research, but re-purpose your content, or write something about it from a different angle. In so doing, you can have a ready to go article that is unique!
  6. PLR and content services are not enough
    Content services like article builder or PLR articles provide great content, however they are overused and over published. You need to re-write it or spin it.
  7. Beware Un-readable gibberish
    Anything that falls under over spun text, text that has been translated from one language to another or text generated using things such as markov generators. *It won’t survive a manual review*

Creating content with a free content generator online as a tool is not a big deal. Just follow the simple rule of quality, readable and unique content, plus some others for your website.

Then *maybe* if you did it right, your content will stay online.

Photo courtesy of MoneyBlogNewz – Flickr