Google maps scraper: Abort, resume & restarting
Almost all tasks in SCM can be resumed after an error or unexpected shut down.
You should see a play/restart button on tasks.

If you click the first ‘resume' button, it will continue off where SCM last stopped.
For Google maps data scraping, it keeps a track of what query has already been completed and continues to add new results to your output file.
Although the following examples are for the Google Maps Scraper, it holds true for most other tasks such as the Article Creator.
Resuming Tasks
Where its supported you can click on the resume button.

You can verify a task is resuming by reading the output of the task log.
Eg: Resuming an aborted Google maps scraper task.

It reports ‘4 items already completed'
And on the next line you can see it continuing off from query number 5 out of 10.
Restarting Tasks
If you need to clean out the old results and restart a task (maybe from editing the task keywords).
Just find and click the following restart button.

Unlike resuming a task, you can restart a task.
Here is the task log.

The log reports that it is deleting the output of the previous run.
On the next line, you can see that its starting from the beginning at query 1 of 10.
Aborting Tasks
You can also stop most tasks while they are running by clicking on the abort button.

Once aborting it will update status to aborting.

It may take some time to abort as some tasks need to wait for windows to close etc.
Once its safe to do so, your task will error out with an ‘Abort'.

You can even chose to send a bug report if there was a reason for aborting early.