How to use scraped titles to write AI articles
The AI generator can be good when used alone to create its own article scraped titles.
However, there is no way to control how relevant the content will be and if it will create articles that people are searching for.
A much better idea is to scrape Google top 10 articles and use their titles as prompts to generate AI content.
Here is how to do it in SCM.
Article Creator AI Writer Scraped Content Macros
Follow alone with the example below to see how we can use scrape content to drive our AI article prompts.
Today's keyword.

Rate hikes!
Make sure to enable a reasonable amount of search results.

Enable the AI writer module.

Use the title macro in the headings prompt.

In the article prompt use the following.
<h1>%title%</h1> [write article about %title% using <p> html tags]

You can see we have 2 rows of macros.

AI Macros and Scrape Content Macros.
In the prompt above we are using the scrape content title macro.
You have a list of other macros. You can even add images and videos etc.
How it works
- SCM will scrape your keyword for content
- It will compile a list of found article titles
- It will replace title macro in your prompt with an actual scraped title
- It will send off the new prompt to the AI writer.
Example output
SCM found 8 titles.

It then used one of those titles to write the following article.

Each article uses a different scraped title.