
How to use the AI Writer tool to create SEO optimized content

The AI Writer tool combines SEO info gathered from search engines + ChatAI generation in one tool.

Create not just AI content but SEO optimized AI content.

AI content is great, however you will be missing many LSI keywords.

AI writer may even wrongly write content not relevant to the keyword/topic.

If you scrape search engines and analyze ranking content, you can get a target list of LSI keywords.

LSI keywords can be used by the AI writer to generate SEO optimized AI content.

Lets see how it works in SCM.

Add a keyword using AI writer tool

Click on the AI Writer tool menu item.

AI Writer tool

Create a new task and fill out the main keyword of the article.

AI Writer tool

Click ‘Run‘ and SCM will analyze the top search results to find LSI keywords, sentences, headings etc.

When the task has finished running, you can click on the taskname to open up the writer.

AI Writer tool

The writing canvas looks like this…

AI Writer tool

How to generate AI content for an article section using AI writer tool

Start by clicking ‘Add Section‘.

AI Writer tool

You will get a list of headers…

AI Writer tool

Click on any heading to add it as a new section to the article.

Click on the close button when you have finished adding sections.

image 13

Example article section.

AI Writer tool

Lets generate SEO content for this section.

The AI Writer will create content about the super mario movie, but as it relates to ‘critic reviews'.

The AI Generate Prompt section is the prompt the AI will use.

AI Writer tool

From the prompt, the AI is told to “write an article for the main keyword and current article section“.

Click on ‘Generate‘ to see the AI writer in action.

Example output…

AI Writer tool

How to generate Seo optimized content using LSI keywords

You can see what keywords are being used in your article by checking this keyword list.

AI Writer tool

These are your focus terms.

To tell the AI writer to use ‘bowser' ‘luigi' and ‘peach' specifically.

Edit the AI prompt directly. ie…

AI Writer tool

The article section is ‘Movie Info'

With a bit of guidance the output becomes.

AI Writer tool

The focus terms are now…

AI Writer tool

All green for ‘bowser' ‘luigi' and ‘peach'!

Use ‘focus terms' to focus the chat AI writer down specific LSI keywords.

You can also load from a large list of prompts…

AI Writer tool

How to save your article

The AI Writer will automatically save your work.

Your content will be saved as you work and loaded again when you come back.

If you need a hardcopy, click on ‘Save as HTML‘.

AI Writer tool