
July 2020 Changelog

========= July 31 2020 =========

  • fix: Trim empty spaces in titles

========= July 30 2020 =========

  • feat: Parse subheadings to remove junk
  • feat: Show a message when you click on copy task log button in task header.
  • fix: Correctly title case all subheadings and titles after they are spun. (fix for xspinner all caps some words).
  • fix: Don't spin and translate your custom headings/subheadings/
  • fix: Regex fail error when processing some keywords in article creator.

========= July 29 2020 =========

  • feat: Don't spin content has already been spun, ie custom titles.

========= July 27 2020 =========

  • feat: Bing country selection has been added, you can now get proper localised results.

========= July 24 2020 =========

  • feat: Ability to toggle new image downloading on/off in settings.
  • fix: Keyword filtering is no longer case sensitive, preserves titles.
  • feat: Images are downloaded and converted to base64 data src. No more hotlinked images from the article creator.

========= July 22 2020 =========

  • other: Lower google free translate wait time slightly to 50s.
  • fix: Tweaked content filter algo so that all caps content is less likely to appear.
  • feat: Batch all translator calls to 4500 characters long to reduce time it takes to translate content.
  • fix: Remove suggested keywords that don't exist in snippets when using writing assistant.
  • feat: Suggest article feature in writing assistant that finds the most relevant sentences for each suggested keyword in the list.
  • feat: Lines > Spin together feature added to article preview.
  • fix: Insert spun group of 5 images when using the article creator.

========= July 21 2020 =========

  • fix: Total % paragraph usage was not accurate if index was reset.
  • feat: Added free Google translate. Limited to one call a minute.
  • other: Ignore lines larger than 5000 characters when downloading it online.
  • fix: Show correct count of lines that will be translated in article creator, not the calculated internal lines for better accuracy.

========= July 16 2020 =========

  • other: Article count estimate adjusted again/
  • feat: Added ability to customize the article category in article creator. Added new template tag ‘categories' so that you can print csv list of categories in your template files.
  • feat: Added main wp template for testing.

========= July 15 2020 =========

  • other: Keep retrying spinners up to 10 times before giving up.

========= July 11 2020 =========

  • fix: Clamp preview window so that HTML side will only ake 50% max width.
  • fix: Randomize all inserts so that you don't get same titles/images etc across keywords.

========= July 09 2020 =========

  • feat: Add a find auto backups button in settings menu.
  • fix: Article generator creating 999 articles if you set to estimate unique.
  • other: Loosened the content filter so it returns more content at the risk of introducing some extra junk.
  • fix: Not inserting links when you set paragraph count to high and there wasn't enough content in scrape, causing links to disappear.
  • fix: Randomize location of subheadings better

========= July 08 2020 =========

  • other: Fix email support code not working sometimes.
  • fix: Unable to get user plan correctly. Showing ‘unknown'

========= July 07 2020 =========

  • other: remove dead code
  • feat: Insert product info json structured data into your articles.

========= July 06 2020 =========

  • fix: Report correct user-agent to browser.

========= July 05 2020 =========

  • other: Removed dead code
  • feat: Compact your db before each upgrade.
  • feat: Slightly tweak filtering algo so that short keywords won't match as often.
  • fix: Don't remove newlines when removing html.
  • feat: You can select which language rule to use for spinner chief.

========= July 03 2020 =========

  • feat: You can manually compact your DB to improve loading performance in the settings area. A backup is created also for you before this step is run.
  • other: Selecting linked list will now insert all variations in one link, instead of taking them one at a time.
  • feat: Article source and preview window is now side by side instead on a tab inside preview article window.
  • feat: Before upgrading, create an auto backup into the local data ‘backups' folder, keep up to the backups.
  • fix: Don't auto compact db, as it might be the causes of data loss on windows systems.
  • other: Hide bing
  • fix: Bing search would fail if keyword had ‘&' sign in it.

========= July 02 2020 =========

  • fix: URL finder showing same error message if search results file is missing.
  • fix: Performance fix, scm next would endlessly refresh the task cache causing performance drain.
  • feat: You can choose between Google or Bing in settings menu for all search engine queries.
  • other: rename api settings bing labels to include mentions to azure.
  • other: Create backup of database before updating app.
  • fix: Correctly restart app on db import.