
Dec 2019 Changelog

##### New Features Dec

* Add ability to send bug reports inside the task log via a button. Automatically sends task log and task data. (c59b9983)
* Allow saving as plain text in Google scraper. (4303503a)
* Add Google scraper (176015db)
* Format all insert QnA so it shows up in Google as rich results. (b1c08a76)
* Allow article creator to remember the last used job output folder for newly created tasks. (8da00a85)
* Add tutorial video link inside the post uploader form. (fb1c6040)
* Add youtube tutorial link for the writing assistant to bottom of form. (1353e58d)
* Enable deselection of words when filtering sentences in the writing assistant. (a95d5cce)
* Add proper error reporting screen when UI crashes instead of just showing a blank screen. (90029734)
* force insert subheadings to return a spun group of 3 variations. (603855fa)
* Make custom titles use local file to store data. (060c1bc7)
* Can correctly duplicate tasks using new data in file. (b5f56d5f)
* Make insert images use empty spin tags so their position changes when spun. (ed55b784)
* Make insert videos use empty spin tags so their position changes when spun. (d8388265)
* Make list, qna & sub heading content inserts use empty spin tags so their position changes when spun. (5e496323)
* Make custom videos read and save to a file. (bdeeb5e2)
* Make custom image urls and tags read and save to a file instead of using the scm.db for performance. (c2c84217)
* Remove article keyword/article keyword file selection. Everything is treated as a keyword file. SCM will automatically create one for you. (5ca04731)
* Add ability to open article creator tasks in draft status, allowing them to be saved to the database, but not be runnable due to missing job information. (6d903c34)
* Convert HTML encoded entities into their UNICODE equivalent when using the article downloader. (d15c6c66)
* The Best Spinner added. (9fbaade7)

##### Bug Fixes

* Can correctly save/clone templates again (ee1d5cb6)
* URL finder won't crash if the googleResults file was deleted, instead it shows form and lets you re-run the task. (9374a9a9)
* Rename ‘content' to ‘cache' to correctly reflect what is being stored in there by the article creator. (051d0d7d)
* Revert folder browser button to ‘articles' folder in the article creator list. (fc89fac3)
* When writing keyword partial it would join keywords into csv list. (5782d688)
* Post uploader unable to find posts to upload. (74bf9e39)
* Display 24 hour time preview in post uploader. (bdc600aa)
* Add spaces between spans so that html-text conversion keeps text from joining togther. (175da352)
* Article creator wasn't able to create new partial files. (530f824d)
* Correct wordpress poster trying to posts to ALL blogs on the list instead of the selected ones. (bbf03a19)
* Blog poster correctly saves selected jobid into array format. (4ba6136d)
* Correct the backup settings button not including task data files with the back up zip. (d5b9fa6b)
* Allow article creator to continue even if links url/keyword file setting doesn't exist (from tasks being migrated over) (f6b59014)
* Solve article creator error about JSON (557d4042)
* Allow article creator to correctly read custom titles stored in file. Previously it would incorrectly print out the title filepath. (a473b4bf)
* Make article image inserts random again, including randomizing widths for each insert and also removing empty class/style attributes. (651ea4af)
* Default posting date of new post uploader to the current day. (daf97af1)
* Clear the writing canvas if there was an error in loading cached content. (129c4c73)
* Ensure settings files are not empty before trying to parse them if they are corrupted. (5e92ab4a)
* Correctly write out scraped content from Article Creator keyword searches to the content folder. (daa32548)
* Allow writing assistant to find cached content again. (bcc86d71)
* Stop scm crashing when trying to read non existing article keyword fields. (10befa5f)
* Correct tasks duplicating data incorrectly to db. (10c2e827)
* Correctly parse video and image insert options into bool. (e4331c5c)
* Change the way link urls/keywords/generic anchor texts are saved. Write out to file instead of using the database to improve performance on complex tasks. (02cef58c)
* Ignore SSL errors when downloading website content. (5f14bbf0)
* Show current version of app even if new update is available. (0e83c23e)
* Backup might fail if optional folders and settings files do not exist. (3e21dab5)
* Image downloading may fail with error if no images was found for keyword (3bfad497)

##### Other Changes

* Make all tasks report as ‘finished' instead of ‘complete' to make logs messages uniform. (837dcfef)
* Add more descriptive error messages for blog posting errors. (7d1d3583)
* Check that you selected a blog before saving the post uploader task. (bbc54ad0)
* Stem all article creator File properties so that it reads file path dynamically using current system user. (7ae8a5c8)
* Format log messages from Google scraper to be easier to read. (fcc39f48)
* Allow connections to SCM server to retry if they fail. (3253f4c9)
* Change image inserts so they only return 1 url per image tag instead of a spun list. (1e6f3475)
* Optimize how image strings are created. Instead of spinning tags, only attributes are spun. This will cut down generated article file sizes. (302ff862)
* Add link to Google keyword file download instructions. (8ffd67ed)
* Move location of task name text box in article creator under keyword box to reduce need to scroll down. (2564ca33)
* Add WordPress post uploader. (6f5d5469)
* Will remove url and keyword counts from links section until I can figure out a way of putting it back in. (6cf08bfa)
* Add breaking changes notification bar. (c5633596)
* Move content cache folder location to be under the the job output folder. (4ecb22ae)
* Pre create required scm next data folders on startup. (b0f19e7d)

##### Performance Improvements

* Load soft spin via file to break down module sizes/ (b6bf2a9c)