
Jan 2020 Changelog

##### New Features Jan

* Can spin documents in the article preview tool. (750a1d7f)
* When removing html you can wrap the content in tags if required. (11086aa1)
* Filter by task name (b7d0b7e9)
* Export url list added to wayback scraper after retrieving urls. (dec213f3)
* You can edit the settings of existing writing assistant tasks, just click on the edit pen button. (4092c7b9)
* Allow up to 5 keywords to be entered when using the writing assistant. (a04208da)
* Strike out text that has been used in writing assistant. (ad815cfe)
* Add a ‘blue' magnify icon to allow preview of files in the article preview tool. (9a8807e1)
* Add text area in settings to save proxies. (bd3710e5)
* Anytime a wait is called before accessing Google, it will display the resume time in the log. (0c23e69c)
* Show keyword count and current processed in task log when running the article creator. (16962334)
* Download content from (53ed6fb4)
* Add remove duplicate line to article preview tool. (7b73c56b)
* Can import a list of blogs from a CSV file. (d66dfc1c)
* You can edit the keyword in url filter box when opened in the article creator. (9e7b7345)
* Additional log message colors/ (4447bc32)
* You can add related keywords to any search by adding a pipe ‘|' symbol between keywords. [eg primary keyword|related keyword|related keyword] You can add up to 9 related keywords this way. (28faaa35)
* Color log logs so that its easier to read what the log is doing. (cdcea2b6)
* Auto select the newly duplicated task. (9bd8c126)
* Allow url limit to be raised from 100 -> 300 results for Article creator and the url finder. (bfd5ee9e)
* Article downloader is no longer threaded, this is to comply with spinners that don't support simultaneous requests. Fail/Retry has been added as well. (9f1a64a9)
* Prettify html written by Google scraper. (15c77817)
* Tweak content filter to return less junk and more useful content. (8ec6925e)
* Google scraper tool (remove html must be on) and article creator will remove contact info from text automatically. (e93a04af)
* Add a word and sentence counter to the writing assistant window. (2efa37a9)
* Remember Google override settings between app restarts. (5110db32)
* Contextual link inserts will find and replace the article keyword with a link if it already exists in that paragraph of text. (287af5f1)

##### Bug Fixes

* Auto width for group text box. Case insensitive filter box and load last used filter when navigating away and back. (cbb053a9)
* Correctly process and filter unicode text such as russian. (52efe5f1)
* Image filter removes junk img urls better. (5b39e61d)
* make content parser correctly remove {} symbols without crashing. (e531f184)
* Remove {} symbols from all text/headings/titles before they are spun for better compatibility. (592da3e5)
* Insert requested number of QnA into an article even if the body paragraph length is 0. NEXT will append QnAs into the end of the article. (70108e9f)
* Remove duplicate sentence results from appearing in writing assistant. (53b9959a)
* Remove trailing spaces in include/exclude csv filters for wayback scraper. (4c5c8b80)
* Shuffle videos so that the same ids don't appear in the same spot. (6f2b7d1c)
* Shuffle images before using them to create articles so same images don't keep appearing. (ceecc0f9)
* Make the cache button and writing assistant link correctly appear once task is finished running. (48fdab46)
* Catch error if network is down and SCM trying to gather credit usage and new version info. (14f496f4)
* Catch errors when trying to access to Google search pages and exit task instead of hanging. (633443aa)
* Correctly trim logs to 250 last messages. (87d8282d)
* Writing assistant missing job names check (672d06ca)
* Error messages are in red in app log window again (1e225d6f)
* Save drops you back to task list when using the scraper. Clicking on retrieve urls will save entered info into the task for you. (3824de3c)
* Wait for data file creation when using file text areas. (692da526)
* Stop app from offering autocomplete as it messes with calendar box visibility. (a455f973)
* Google not correctly detecting last used setting. (e8a9a4a7)
* Google downloader can correctly duplicate with data folder copied across as well. (8e15cfad)
* Ignore the partial file when duplicating article creator task. (1acadb9c)
* Google log messages prints region and language selection in log. (a0c1038b)
* rename data button to cache to correctly reflect is action. (e6085684)
* Improve the randomization algo for less predictable article insert locations. (8fa6e6b3)
* TOP and END options in custom content will appear on top or bottom of ALL content. (fbb1498f)
* Correctly remove google window when running multiple threads. (78a18588)
* QnA not returning results. (c5d23c01)
* Don't insert lists into empty article bodies. (6e56ae0b)
* Dont change user article variations settings, if run out of unique content just continue. (b5e3e29f)
* Article creator resets url/keywords when deleting and recreating links. (513d5c7c)
* Group filters on tasks now display last selected group name if you navigate away and back to the task list. (4c3e8184)
* Remove sentences less than 5 characters from displaying in article writing assistant. (bddca543)
* Align logo to top bar. (31132036)
* Google location remote set code not working when in production. (f77db95c)
* Change how google wait before search works, so that it doesn't cause internal timeout to expire while waiting for link results. (cfb8ae6a)
* Google correctly uses the selected country for search now. Default is called ‘Current Location', using the IP of the server. (2491309a)
* Duplicate article creator was not copying over custom content files with it. (f70415f8)

##### Other Changes

* Get help renamed to contact us (d904de9e)
* Set default SpinnerChief values. (8c0e8186)
* Make task row buttons slightly smaller so they fit in better on smaller screens. (92f81a37)
* Resized width of date column in log window. (c0a14084)
* Increase height of log window. (5f799b7c)
* Increase retry limit for scm api & 3rd party services to a higher number. (dce883a7)
* Use percentiles to remove spammy sentences from downloaded content. (34b9cc5f)
* Increase retry of SCM API (52ed5b2d)
* Remove really small or very large spammy sentences from being used in articles. (42e5c1e2)
* Clean up logo, use higher res image. (1b9a1758)
* Cap log messages to last 1000 items (038990b6)
* Additional try/catch on article creator to find errors stopping it from running. (5df134df)
* Increase max retries when it comes to calling SCM API (70fb0387)
* Better default for contextual links 2-3 instead of 1-1 (4b91289e)
* Article creator only uses primary keyword for image and video search. (46024d78)
* Display selection log message for google region if only required. (ee3d9a20)
* Display email when showing report bug window, so that you can enter different email to be contacted at. (c58b3666)
* Simplified code to ensure all directories are available before writing to it. (60c0f976)
* Better error logging for url downloader. (9199b138)
* Updated google region check codes to support new page format (you can sign in as well now). (c6a95a46)

##### Performance Improvements

* Just compare min amount of data when decided when to update task rows (ca70210e)
* Reduce arbitrary wait times by smartly waiting for page load events. (c2fe04ee)

##### Refactors

* Combined code used by app log functions for easier maintenance. (ee005c33)

##### Code Style Changes

* Max size of group box as wide as the column. (2764f5da)