
May 2021 Changelog

========= May 31 2021 =========

  • fix: Skip posts if title is empty instead of throwing an error when using post uploader/emailer.
  • feat: Print number of found articles in article folder when using post emailer/uploader.

========= May 29 2021 =========

  • fix: Force task name to be filled out in writing assistant.

========= May 28 2021 =========

  • feat: Mail merge tool allows you to write files with or without spintax.
  • feat: Add ‘delete content cache' button to settings > utility, use it to clear hard drive space.

========= May 27 2021 =========

  • other: Had to revert fixes to xspinner while we wait for a fix from their xspinner program.
  • feat: optional subject line in feedback box.

========= May 26 2021 =========

  • fix: Decode xspinner content.
  • fix: Encode spun text sent to xspinner to fix errors with characters.

========= May 25 2021 =========

  • fix: Allow retries when trying to retrieve captcha balance.
  • fix: Login will retry if it hits a timeout error.

========= May 17 2021 =========

  • other: Better logging and error handling of xspinner crashes.

========= May 15 2021 =========

  • feat: You can insert a list of urls to redirect to, instead of just setting one url in the article creator page redirect insert.
  • fix: Unable to get any content from non ascii languages eg russian.

========= May 14 2021 =========

  • fix: Url parsing would fail if scraping 300 urls.

========= May 13 2021 =========

  • style: Increased size of group column for all task lists.
  • fix: Post uploader will find .txt and .html files.
  • style: Larger sort icons for writing assistant keyword list.
  • fix: Allowed elements to resize better when using high app zooms of 150%+

========= May 12 2021 =========

  • feat: Sort writing assistant keyword list by letter or usage count.

========= May 11 2021 =========

  • fix: Writing assistant job name kept reverting to the first keyword.

========= May 10 2021 =========

  • other: Writing assistant returns a lot more 2 and 3 word keyword suggestions.
  • feat: Save the keyword selection between sessions inside article writing assistant.
  • feat: Display first keyword of writing assistant as header above article score.
  • fix: Clear the used sentences tracking when you run a new search for a different keyword.
  • fix: Writing assistant loading error if questions and answers are present (error match)

========= May 09 2021 =========

  • feat: Content filter for writing assistant applies to questions and headings.

========= May 08 2021 =========

  • fix: Spinner timeout errors no longer cause an ‘uncaught error' resulting in tasks terminating too early.
  • feat: Dynamic web scraper has html tag, ID and class removal options if you allow html output.
  • other: Tweaked content filtering to remove more irrelevant content.

========= May 07 2021 =========

  • perf: Optimized remove task button code.
  • fix: Writing assistant groups not sorting.

========= May 06 2021 =========

  • fix: Spelling mistake login screen.

========= May 05 2021 =========

  • feat: Writing assistant keeps track of what sentences you used between sessions. There is a button to ‘reset used'
  • feat: ‘Super spin' setting is applied when using insert content into articles mode inside article creator.
  • fix: Google search scraper returning a lot of irrelevant results, now it only returns correct top 100 links per page.

========= May 02 2021 =========

  • feat: Allow editing of writing assistant task name.

========= May 01 2021 =========

  • other: Add macro labels to save location in search and news tool.
  • feat: Add rewrite and translator tools to writing assistant.