
SCM List of Tools 2022

SCM Mass Article Creator

  • Creates articles in mass. Provide a keyword and SCM will scour Google/Bing to find relevant content for the keyword
  • Content is downloaded and shuffled around to create new articles
  • You can insert relevant images or videos etc into the articles using the ‘Content Inserts'
  • Supports using your own custom content, insert content anywhere in an article
  • You can insert links into the generated articles
  • Content and Url filtering to refine the type of content found and used
  • You can apply automatic rewriting and translation to found content
  • Has option to use existing articles on your hard drive

Bulk Keyword Import Tool

  • If you have a large keyword list, you can split it into multiple article creator tasks
  • You can then multi thread and run multiple tasks at the same time
  • Speed up the processing of large keyword lists

Writing Assistant

  • Assists you to write high quality content
  • You pick and choose sentences to build and article
  • Keyword suggestion and article scoring to help you optimize your content for SEO

Static Page Scraper

  • Download HTML content from a web page
  • Use CSS to pick what content to download
  • Fast scraper, doesn't parse Javascript on a web page so best for static websites

Dynamic Page Scraper

  • Scrapes content from a website using a real browser to run and parse Javascript
  • Slow but works on sites that load content dynamically
  • Select items to scrape using visual ‘pick element' button

Search & News Scraper

  • Scrape Google search results or News for articles over a required word length
  • Quickest way to download articles to your hard drive Scraper

  • Downloads content from wayback machine site
  • Get access to content that no longer exists online but has been archived. eg Articles
  • You can use it to download a mirror of a site as well

RSS Scraper

  • Downloads content from a list of RSS feeds
  • Use newly published content for your own syndication

Youtube Subtitle Scraper

  • Download youtube subtitles and re-purpose the content in articles

Web Crawler

  • Spiders a website. Finds and visits links on a web page to find links on a site.
  • Use it to gather a list of article urls on a website.

Url Scraper

  • Downloads list of urls from search results

Image Scraper

  • Download copyrighted or copyright free images

Video Downloader

  • Finds youtube videos and generates a list of video embeds you can use in your content

AI Paraphraser

  • English only
  • Uses advanced AI to turn one sentence into 4 other variations
  • It paraphrases sentences
  • Has a translator to allow non english languages to be translated in and out of the AI paraphraser

WordPress Poster

  • Uploads txt files on your hard drive to wordpress blogs
  • Uses XML RPC or JSON API (via plugin) to upload posts

WordPress XML Generator

  • Creates an XML file that you can use to import posts via WP Post importer tool
  • Use this if you are unable to post remotely and want to import content into a WP blog

Email Poster

  • Sends articles on your hard drive to an email address
  • Some blog platforms allow you to post articles remotely by sending it to an inbox
  • Another alternative if WP remote posting does not work for you

Bulk Spin & Translate

  • Bulk spin and translate existing content on your hard drive

Profile Creator

  • Creates about me profiles that you can use in your articles
  • Creates a spintax profile that is unique every time it is used

Combine Keyword Tool

  • Take a list of keywords and creates permutations of those keywords

CSV Template Merge

  • CSV mail merge tool
  • Reads data from a CSV file and creates new content based on a template file