
April 2022 Changelog

========= April 29 2022 =========

  • feat: scraper will retry 0 size files at least 3 times before giving up.

========= April 27 2022 =========

  • fix: Search and news crash when trying to download sites with large embedded images.

========= April 26 2022 =========

  • feat: Add azerbaijani to language selection.

========= April 25 2022 =========

  • feat: Archive org scraper will save all files inside the content folder by default.
  • fix: Don't write 0kb empty html files to hard drive when using the scraper.

========= April 22 2022 =========

  • fix: Dynamic scraper is now multi threaded. It will run up to 3 workers at a time.

========= April 20 2022 =========

  • feat: You can change the number of workers to use when downloading from This will decrease job time for large archives.

========= April 19 2022 =========

  • fix: Writing assistant not properly saving the requested number of QnA item counts.

========= April 16 2022 =========

  • fix: Libre paid translate fix

========= April 15 2022 =========

  • feat: Add libre paid translator as option

========= April 13 2022 =========

  • feat: Find more tweets by searching latest tab
  • fix: Removed instagram inserts as they require a login account to view.

========= April 12 2022 =========

  • fix: Increased wait time between failed wordai spins.

========= April 10 2022 =========

  • fix: Extra double quote error in the output of postuploader csv file.
  • fix: Selection of text not working in writing assistant

========= April 09 2022 =========

  • feat: Update ai paraphraser credits in real time after using it each time in writing assistant.
  • fix: Writing assistant not saving spun/translated content immediately
  • feat: Add separate box to preview content in HTML, allows spintax in editor window now!

========= April 05 2022 =========

  • feat: Allow ai paraphraser to translate into and out of 23 languages now.

========= April 02 2022 =========

  • fix: Remove debug code from post uploader.
  • other: Updated tutorial for static scraper.
  • other: Ai paraphraser tutorial video
  • fix: Show 3 decimal places for paraphraser cost estimation when paraphrasing small amounts of text so that cost doesn't appear to be 0

========= April 01 2022 =========

  • feat: Add extra logging for post uploader by displaying post category being used.