
What are the link building practices that are killing your business growth?

It was being debated from the recent years about the most important ranking signal. This was conducted by SEMRush in their recent studies that the two most important ranking factors are direct website visits and time spent on visit.

The higher number of visit to your website improves its ranking however, poor visits results to lower ranking. The question is, how do you get more visits if you are ranking poorly in search engines.

Link building is the answer. Many people still do not satisfy with the power of links as the best ranking signal. But recently, some businesses are using link building campaigns for their websites and started to be aware with the potential of this strategy.

Some of the link building practices that business owners need to be aware of

Not optimizing the website before the outreach

Optimizing means, managing your website overall impression and improving the quality of blog content. These two when done to your website would have the chance of being seen in the search engine results list.

You are reaching out to target people which you believe will help you increase your website page's traffic, however your site isn't not optimize yet. Most websites nowadays do not receive users full trust if its not optimized. Only websites that are SEO optimized can only be indexed and tracked by the search engines.

Quantity over quality

Make sure of the quality of link building process.

  1. Ensure that your content blog is highly created and tha you are proud of
  2. Target blogs are relevant to your business
  3. Contact websites that are have decent domain authority and traffic

Not insisting on quality content

Great content makes link building process easier. You want to be remembered producing good quality content in Google. This is called brand awareness. You are being known by most of the bloggers that produces high quality blog post and that follows high quality backlinks.