
April 2020 Changelog

========= Friday April 17 2020 =========

  • style: Added some more pretty colors to log window.
  • fix: Wait for google debug image to be written to file before trying to display it.
  • other: Log exactly what value is being used to determin max article count being generated by article creator.
  • fix: Template editor block elements appeared to big, they have been resized.
  • feat: All google scraping tasks will display an image of what was searched in the task log window so you can see what is being searched and verify the results are in the correct language. Additionally errors will be logged in the same manner.
  • fix: Content filter box would incorrectly return filename instead of content inside the textbox, causing live preview to break.
  • other: Display friendly warning in the log if there are no titles in article creator.
  • feat: Clearly print out what titles are being used in article creator.
  • other: Changelog groups messages into weekly updates.
  • fix: param is array bulk translator error.
  • fix: Simplified country selection code for google.
  • fix: NEXT users showing as expired.
  • fix: Open article downloader external links in os browser.
  • fix: DB not clearing old status of all tasks, the only the first one was being reset correctly.
  • fix: Don't create extra %% folder.
  • fix: Captcha solving was broken.
  • fix: Don't remove extra lines users insert via reg replace.
  • fix: Google scraper will fail faster, it won't forcibly wait up to 10 mins if there are zero link results being returned.
  • feat: if you want to regex replace with you must escape it so its match|\n etc..
  • feat: Report number of keywords being processed in task header log for google scraper.
  • feat: You can delete files within the article preview window now.
  • style: Aligned run/save buttons to task header.
  • fix: Task duplications not working properly for newer tasks.

========= Friday April 10 2020 =========

  • fix: Changelogs not showing up inside app.
  • fix: Changelog internal numbering has been fixed to update correctly.
  • feat: You can set posting schedule to 0 days, instead of the original 1-30 days. This means you can upload ALL your posts to be live immediately.
  • other: Google scraper has exposed setting to change internal worker thread count from 10 to any number you need. Eg you are using a non multithreaded spinner, set number to 1 to avoid problems.
  • fix: Auto updater not show install and restart button.
  • style: Moved labels to top right to reduce vertical space usage on all the sliders in the article creator.
  • feat: Provide a count of keywords being used in the article creator.
  • fix: Article creator was exiting early instead of using all available content.
  • feat: Also grab youtube thumbnails as an image source and shuffle all images before using them.
  • fix: Remove empty proxy strings from being used.
  • fix: Increase wait time between failed api calls to spinner services.
  • fix: Remove extra html from error messages in auto updated.
  • fix: Scrolling bars visible on login screen
  • fix: Url finder form misplaced text box.
  • feat: You can switch from only unique content to forcing a specific article count in the article creator dropdown.
  • other: Upgrade warnings added for older users of SCM.

========= Friday April 03 2020 =========

  • fix: Enable keyboard shortcuts on mac app.
  • fix: Display active paying plan even if trial has not finished.
  • feat: Supports authenticated proxies
  • feat: Supports authenticated proxies
  • feat: New article creator settings interface for controlling how much content you will download and how it is used. More clearly understand the relationship between important settings and how it affects the final unique article count.
  • fix: Article creator will strictly try to download at least the min url requested, instead of counting failed urls.
  • feat: Moved url limit box back to front page of article creator, renamed article count to article file limit (to more correctly reflect what it does). Also moved paragraph variations up and also stuck spintax yes/no selection next to template selector.
  • fix: Apply vertical align middle to keep labels centered perfectly.
  • feat: One button click import of scm-backups
  • feat: Proper rotating proxy support for all Google download requests.
  • feat: Proper rotating proxy support for all Google download requests.
  • feat: Tooltips for all task rows appear in the lower right hand corner.

========= Friday March 27 2020 =========

  • fix: Can select and unselect terms properly again in article writing.
  • feat: Save files in article preview with default .txt extension
  • feat: You can use CSS to select or remove tags when using Google scraper.
  • fix: Not correctly handling Google errors across tasks.
  • other: Writing assistant must have keywords before task is allowed to save.
  • other: Ensure that you enter keywords into google scraper task before letting you save.
  • style: Revamped ui of the article downloader to make it easier to use.
  • other: Add icon for external links so its easier to see on the page.
  • other: Don't report google wait times if it is 0
  • other: Article downloader will use textbox instead of file on your computer to load urls. Please re-edit all older tasks.
  • feat: Warn user if no article keywords are provided in article creator.