
Emulate localised search results using UULE

You can now find content that only shows when Google displays localised search results.

SCM Next does this by appending a special parameter to queries, ‘UULE'.

You can find out more about what the uule is below.

Anywhere you can use Google search, there is now a textbox for you to enter the canonical name of a location.

For example in the article creator.


You can see the new textbox next to the country and language selector.

The canonical location field is optional, you don't need to provide a location. SCM will work as it usually does.

Once you start typing in a location, SCM will use it to find the canonical name for you.

Below I type out ‘melb' and it returns the top 10 matches.

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The result has Melb, Australia as the first result. As you can see, there are many other places in the world starting with ‘Melb'.

I click on the location I want to use and it fills out my textbox with the full name.

I could also just paste in the full canonical name if I knew what it was.

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You can verify that the location name is being used by checking the task log.

As you can see, SCM Next is checking that the country is set to Australia and that the location name appears at the end.

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This simple addition will now allow you to find content that a user will see based on not only his country, but also his specific location in the country.

This is going to be a great help to those of you doing local seo.