
Feb 2021 Changelog

========= February 27 2021 =========
* feat: Article preview tool will load the newest articles first before moving onto the oldest files when you click next button.

========= February 24 2021 =========
* feat: Add your article keyword in the titles automatically, in case content returns no usable titles.

========= February 22 2021 =========
* fix: Less likely to create same article again when re-running article creator.
* fix: text area comments not appearing on new lines when required.

========= February 21 2021 =========
* fix: Add line breaks when combining content from different keywords.

========= February 20 2021 =========
* fix: Non english language scraping failing.
* fix: Allow norwegian language to be processed correctly.

========= February 17 2021 =========
* fix: Force span to leave spaces so that article downloader can return text in better formatted state.

========= February 13 2021 =========
* fix: Insert directions and maps correctly support spintax code.

========= February 10 2021 =========
* fix: Google  window visible.
* fix: Tweaked detection of google links.

========= February 09 2021 =========
* feat: Can select between normal search and news results in search scraper tool.
* fix: Url finder wasn't saving settings between runs.

========= February 08 2021 =========
* feat: Lingvanex translator added.

========= February 06 2021 =========
* fix: Bing fall back wasn't working correctly on Google search errors.
* other: Removed insert wp imae as featured as it no longer works.
* feat: Writing assistant you can change number of urls to process for content.
* feat: Added extra email/api keys for users with multiple spinrewriter accounts.

========= February 04 2021 =========
* style: Allow textarea to display full lines without line breaks, instead a scroll bar will be used.
* feat: Add reescritor spinner
* fix: Ignore bing location errors.

========= February 03 2021 =========
* style: Grouped similar menu items and gave each section its own header to make it easier to find tools.
* fix: Search engine scraper would take long time to process files after downloading site content.
* fix: Bing unable to select proper country if ui language was not in english.

========= February 02 2021 =========
* other: Display screenshot on bing error.
* fix: Timeout with contacting scm server could cause app to fail to load.
* other: More verbose error message for bing country selector.