
How to bulk translate files using Yandex

Using SEO Content Machine you can bulk translate files from one language to another language.

Right now it supports Bing/Google and Yandex.

Yandex is the newest addition to the translate options family.

Read more to find out how to use Yandex Translate within the program.

Get a Yandex API Key

The first thing you should do is signup and grab your Yandex API key.

Visit https://tech.yandex.com/translate/ to signup and grab your free API key. Occasional low usage is free however large translation tasks will require a fee.

Once you got your translate API key, go into your SEO Content Machine program and fill out the API key.

Menu -> Options -> 3rd Party Logins -> Yandex Translate

files You can test the API key by using the quick translate feature in the Tier 1 content creator window.

translate test

If all goes well, the text will be translated correctly for you in Yandex.

Bulk Translation using Yandex

Once you have signed and gotten your API key and verified that it is working you can use the bulk translator feature in SCM.

Its available on the main menu as the “Translate Articles” task.

translate task

Clicking on the task button opens up the translate window.

transalte window

Most of the options on the window should be self explanatory.

  1. Select a directory where your text files are.
  2. Select a directory to write the translated articles to.
  3. Select “Yandex”
  4. Set the To -> Language you want to translate to.

Hit “Add Task” and select “Run Immediately”.

You will be taken to the task grid where you can see the task run and view any output logs.

If there are any errors, you can see them printed in the application log screen.

translate errors

If the task is successful you can click on the button “…” to open windows explorer to the location of the newly translated files.

Some notes about the Yandex Translator

  • It supports text files that are in HTML
  • SCM will try to translate each paragraph one at a time. If paragraph is too big however it can cause a Yandex to return an error about the input text being too large. Be careful about trying to translate heavily spun text.
  • Yandex (like Google) supports more languages than the Bing translator.

One thought on “How to bulk translate files using Yandex

  • I’m currently using version but i cannot find this feature on my software. is this still supporting?

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