
How to bulk upload images to ImgUr

Another very simple tutorial for a very useful tool in SEO Content Machine.

Say hello to the imgur bulk uploading tool.

ImgUr Uploader


This tool will accept images on your hard drive.

What it does is uploads each of the image in the textbox to imgur and returns the imgur link.

How to setup access

The first thing you should do is signup for an ImgUr account and register an application.

You will need the client id key later to give SEO Content Machine permission to upload images to your account.

Once you have signed up, go to Settings > Applications in your imgur account to find the client id key.

imgur client id

Copy this key to your clipboard.

Inside SEO Content Machine > Options > 3rd Party Logins > ImgUr

Paste in the client ID.

clientid in scm

How to bulk upload images to imgur

With all the settings in place you can now start uploading images to imgur.

The tool is located inside the Article Creator > Images > Image Source > Right click menu

imgur tool location

Once you click on the menu item it will load the bulk upload tool.

The first thing to do is load up some image files. You can use the “Browse for images” button to find some images on your hard drive. If you need some images, you can download it using the “Scrape Images” menu item.

You can also paste in a list of image files into the textbox directly.

Just hit the “Upload to imgur” button and the tool will start uploading your images.

uploading progressThe status of the upload is shown on the window.

Once its done, the textbox will re-enable itself and the converted imgur urls will be visible.

imgur urls

The bulk uploader will not attempt to to re-upload images that are already uploaded. If for some reason the bulk uploader fails, normally due to imgur upload restrictions, you can always rerun the tool on your existing results. If you do have any errors like those pictured below, it will appear in the application log. Please copy the entire log and send it to us as a bug report.

sample errors

Just copy the the imgur urls to the clipboard and paste them where its needed.

Eg, as images for the article creator…

imgur converted e1503316672663

Why you want to upload images online

If you are posting to a wordpress blog, SEO Content Machine will upload all the images to your blog so that you don't have hot linked images in your content.

If you are using Post By Email, or something that doesn't have image uploading facility, then any images on URL format or in file format will get uploaded as is.

NB: If you create an article and insert images using the article creator, all your images will be in URL format. If you upload this article all the images will be hotlinked. However if you import these articles directly into a blog using SCM blog manager, the images are downloaded and stored on your hard drive.