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How To Scrape 100s Of Articles Using SEO Content Machine

SEO Content Machine comes with its own very advanced article downloader tool. Now you can scrape hundreds of high quality articles in just minutes.

You can scrape content using inbuilt content detector tool, or supply an x-path to download the extract sections you need.

Articles can be downloaded in plain text or HTML (with HTML images etc intact).

You don't need to pay extra for a separate tool any more, your access to SEO Content Machine gives you access to a very advanced article scraper.

Once you have scraped the articles you can use them for:

  • Re-writing. Either by hand or using a capable spinner like The Best Spinner or maybe even a turin spinner like Word AI.
  • Spinning.
  • Autoblogging. Load the articles into your blogs and set them on a schedule.
  • Content research.
  • Duplicating your own site to a new site.
  • Send articles into the SCM Article Generator

SCM Article Downloader

You can access the article downloader from the main application menu.

article downloader2

Start by loading some keywords

You have 3 choices:

  1. Import From a file. Each keyword should be on its own line.
  2. Paste from the clipboard
  3. Adding them manually by writing directly into the “Click here to add a new row”

Add article downloader keywords

Press the “Scrape Urls” button to begin.

SEO Content Machine will start by scraping all the URLs of articles it finds.

Article urls

You can import your own list of URLs as well.

Eg You can use Scrapebox to find an exhaustive list of sites related to your keyword, then use SCM article downloader to scrape the content.

Press “Download Article”

To start downloading content to your hard drive press the “Download Article” button.

You can see the status of each scrape in the grid.

Scraping status

You can abort the download by pressing the “Abort” button.

Once aborted SCM will intelligently restart where you left off.

Scraping Google and Custom Sites

Unlike most article downloader tools, you can scrape the Google search listings together with a custom list of sites you specify.

This option allows you to select which sites to search for when scraping articles.

SEO Content Machine supports virtually any website. You are not limited to only article directories! Blogs, news sites etc also make good content sources.

Custom scraping sites

You can select the exact Google region. Which includes non English regions such as France, Spain or Germany etc.

You can even target a specific site. Eg. Articlesbase.com via Google/Bing/BingCache.

Downloaded Articles

Downloaded articles can be:

  1. Filtered on Word count, paragraph count, title etc
  2. Spun
  3. Split into paragraphs

Downloaded articles

Its super easy to save only articles that contain a keyword, or doesn't mention a competitor, or has to be bigger than a certain word count.

Content filtering

With your downloaded articles you can

  1. Save them to your hard drive
  2. Export it to the SCM Article Creator

Export options

SCM Article Downloader Settings

SCM article downloader has a few settings that control how and where the articles are saved.

Article downloader options

  • Scrape Html: Save the original HTML with the article.
  • Title in file: SCM will insert the title of the article inside the file. The title appears in the first line.
  • Use double line breaks: Inserts an optional blank line in-between paragraphs.

Tips On Using An Article Downloader

  • Check your proxies before you start! Slow or dead proxies will slow down the scraping significantly. * In fact you don't need them *
  • Use the “Keyword Scraper” tool in SCM to find a list of semantically related keywords.
  • SCM will automatically remove duplicate articles while it is scraping.
  • The article downloader runs in the background! You can keep using SEO Content Machine to do other things while the article downloader does its thing.
  • You can paste in keywords from the Clipboard.

Read more in depth guides about our article downloader:



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