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Scrape Everything With The Article Downloader + Site Content Scraper

Need to save something online offline? The article downloader allows you to scrape

  1. Any website
  2. Target any content on that page

Literally, scrape anything anywhere.

Article Downloader

When To Use it:

When you have a list of keywords and need to scrape articles for spinning, re-writing, auto-blogging and just plain old research on any niche.

Article Downloader scrapes content of sites that have been enabled in the “Edit Sources” window.

Article Downloader also has the option for you to scrape titles only.

For a hands on tutorial read this starting guide.

Article downloader

Site Content Scraper

When To Use it:

When you have a list of URLs that you want to scrape content from.

You can use a scraping tool such as Scrapbox or Hreferer to quickly gather a large number of URLS.

If you don't own any of the above tools, you can use the SCM article downloader to scrape your URLs as well.

Feed that list of URLs into SCM and you can download content directly to your drive.

Article urlsThis is a very good way of getting super targeted content for research or re-writing.

Clone your site

Using a list of all the urls to each page on your site, you could even use SCM to download all the content to your hard drive and re-post it to another domain.