
How to scrape and filter relevant content

A common problem you might have when trying to scrape content, that is text, image and video. Irrelevant and not useful content might find its way into your research.

Here is a list of things you can do to help with that problem.

Use Only Google

Just select Google for scraping content. Don't enable any custom sites unless you are absolutely sure they have relevant content.


Pre scrape your own set of images

You can supply your own list of images to the article creator.

That way you can ensure images are relevant.
use custom image

You can right click on the text box to open up a menu item to easily pre-scrape some images

right click image

image scraper

Use the article creator content filter

The article creator has a special junk filter box that you can use to make sure that:

  1. Content contains a keyword -or-
  2. Content doesn't contain a spam word


Use the Tier 1 Content creator

If you want very relevant content, the best place to start is to use the Tier 1 content creator to pick and choose sentences.


The advantage of this is that you can manually sort, filter and rank sentences to find juicy content.

Its also easy to export all the sentences out and import them later into the article creator.