
July 2021 Changelog

========= July 31 2021 =========

  • other: Restyle login window.

========= July 29 2021 =========

  • feat: Add tutorial video for RSS scraper tool.
  • other: Increase height of protect word boxes under spinner select dropdowns.

========= July 28 2021 =========

  • fix: Article creator not replacing %url% in image link inserts.
  • fix: Allow article forge content to be spun by the article creator.
  • feat: RSS scraper tool added. Download rss feeds, then spin and save output to your hard drive.

========= July 27 2021 =========

  • feat: Where macros are presented as a label, eg %url%. You can now click on the labels and the code is pasted into your clipboard making it easier to just paste the macro text where needed.
  • fix: Search scraper output template macro code standardized to %title% and %body%. Old codes are still supported but no longer displayed.
  • fix: Bing search not passing correct code to set search results to 50.
  • fix: Replace all instances of %url% in insert image link.
  • fix: Detect if bing didn't return any search results and skip instead of retrying.
  • fix: Browser screenshots not working.

========= July 26 2021 =========

  • feat: Improved log messages for wordpress poster, report which method XML RPC or JSON API is being used first.

========= July 23 2021 =========

  • feat: Remove attributes from scraped html tags inside dynamic scraper using the new ‘Remove attributes from HTML Tag' feature.

========= July 22 2021 =========

========= July 20 2021 =========

  • feat: Enable toggle to enable dynamic scraper to process img tags and save images to local hard drive.

========= July 19 2021 =========

  • fix: Chimp rewriter lower word count to avoid errors.
  • code to download images in html file todo:change img src?
  • feat: will download 3 pages at a time, speeding up large tasks.

========= July 16 2021 =========

  • feat: Article creator bulk importer, use a keyword list and split tasks based on number of keywords per task.
  • feat: Add link section in article creator, added ‘%keyword%' and %url% as additional choices for the link format string.
  • feat: Allow setting of rewrite_num in wordai api settings. Default is 4.
  • fix: Archive org scraper stopping before list was completely processed.
  • feat: Dynamic and static page scrapers report progress.
  • fix: Progress count 0 error when starting new archive org task.

========= July 15 2021 =========

  • fix: WordAi rewrites count set to 4, setting to 5 or higher caused word ai to use 4x as much exhausting word limit quickly.
  • fix: archive org scraper stuck starting.
  • feat: Add start/resume to scraper.
  • fix: Remove duplicate domain box in archive org scraper.

========= July 12 2021 =========

  • feat: Added tutorial video for spin & translate.

========= July 10 2021 =========

  • fix: WordAi failing due to incorrect word count calculation by SCM.

========= July 09 2021 =========

  • fix: Article creator inserting ‘undefined' if the number of subheadings is less than total number of inserts (eg images etc).
  • fix: Only match full words when filtering titles/subheadings to return better results.
  • fix: Url filtering not working in article creator and url scraper.

========= July 08 2021 =========

  • fix: Lower wordai word limit per request to 900
  • fix: Lower wordai word limit per request to 950
  • other: Enlarge the start/end line wrap text boxes you find inside each item filter box inside dynamic scraper.
  • feat: Dynamic scraper gets ‘getAttributes(src)' operation.

========= July 07 2021 =========

  • other: Libre renamed to Libre (free)
  • fix: Force title caps on translator output.

========= July 06 2021 =========

  • other: Placeholder for writing assistant with eg of keyword format.
  • fix: Potential fix for lowercase characters appearing in sentence content when using the article creator.

========= July 05 2021 =========

  • feat: Add file browser to Google Translator api key.

========= July 02 2021 =========

  • fix: Posts per day in wp/email poster value must be greater than 0 check added to fix UI crash.