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New Article Source. Download Pre-Spun Articles.

There is a new content source unique only to SEO Content Machine. Its aptly named “Pre-Spun Articles”.

You can find it lurking as a new option in the Content Generator area.

prespun articles

Amazing Generated Content That IS Readable + Unique.

Here is a sample of an article that I got from the Shopping category.

[code]<h1>{Special Holiday Present Ideas for Ladies Coworkers at the Workplace|One-of-a-kind Holiday Present Concepts for Ladies Coworkers at the Office|Great Present for Female Coworkers|Creative Holiday Present for Female Coworkers|Creative Holiday Gifts for Female Coworkers|Distinct Holiday Gift Ideas for Females Coworkers at the Workplace|Distinct Holiday Present Concepts for Ladies Coworkers at the Workplace|Special Holiday Gift Concepts for Ladies Coworkers at the Workplace|Great Gifts for Female Coworkers|One-of-a-kind Holiday Present Concepts for Women Coworkers at the Workplace}</h1>
<p>{If you have a Christmas party in your workplace and you have to give a present to a female coworker, you ought to start thinking of some unique vacation gift concepts for ladies coworkers.|If you have a Christmas party in your office and you have to give a present to a female coworker, you should begin thinking about some one-of-a-kind vacation present concepts for ladies coworkers.|If you have a Christmas party in your office and you have to give a gift to a female coworker, you ought to start thinking of some distinct vacation present ideas for ladies coworkers.|If you have a Christmas party in your workplace and you have to offer a gift to a female coworker, you should start thinking of some unique holiday present concepts for women coworkers.|If you have a Christmas party in your workplace and you have to give a present to a female coworker, you ought to start thinking of some special vacation present ideas for women coworkers.|If you have a Christmas party in your office and you need to provide a gift to a female coworker, you must start thinking of some distinct holiday gift ideas for women coworkers.|If you have a Christmas party in your workplace and you need to give a gift to a female coworker, you ought to begin thinking of some one-of-a-kind vacation present concepts for females coworkers.|If you have a Christmas party in your workplace and you have to give a gift to a female coworker, you should start thinking of some special holiday present concepts for females coworkers.|If you have a Christmas party in your workplace and you have to offer a gift to a female coworker, you must begin thinking of some one-of-a-kind holiday present concepts for ladies coworkers.|If you have a Christmas party in your workplace and you have to provide a present to a female coworker, you ought to start thinking about some unique vacation present concepts for ladies coworkers.} {There are many things that you could get for a female coworker.|There are many things that you could buy for a female coworker.|There are a lot of things that you could get for a female coworker.|There are a lot of things that you could purchase for a female coworker.|There are numerous things that you could get for a female coworker.|There are a lot of things that you can purchase for a female coworker.|There are numerous things that you can purchase for a female coworker.|There are numerous things that you could buy for a female coworker.|There are many things that you could purchase for a female coworker.|There are a lot of things that you could buy for a female coworker.} {It is easier to locate presents for females than it is for men because guys have very few interests which constantly include autos, devices, and sports.|It is much easier to locate gifts for females than it is for men due to the fact that men have extremely couple of interests which always involve autos, gadgets, and sports.|It is much easier to discover presents for ladies than it is for men due to the fact that guys have very few interests which constantly include autos, gizmos, and sports.|It is much easier to discover presents for females than it is for men due to the fact that guys have extremely couple of interests which constantly involve cars, gizmos, and sports.|It is easier to find gifts for women than it is for guys because guys have extremely few interests which constantly involve automobiles, devices, and sports.|It is much easier to discover gifts for women than it is for guys because guys have really few interests which always include cars, gizmos, and sports.|It is simpler to locate presents for women than it is for men since men have very couple of interests which constantly include cars, gadgets, and sports.|It is much easier to find presents for ladies than it is for guys due to the fact that guys have really few interests which constantly involve vehicles, gizmos, and sports.|It is much easier to find presents for women than it is for guys because men have very couple of interests which constantly include automobiles, gadgets, and sports.|It is easier to discover presents for females than it is for men since men have extremely couple of interests which constantly include automobiles, gadgets, and sports.} {And usually, gifts for ladies are a lot more affordable than for men.|And usually, gifts for ladies are a whole great deal less expensive than for guys.|And usually, presents for ladies are a whole great deal less expensive than for men.|And generally, gifts for ladies are an entire lot more affordable than for guys.|And normally, presents for women are an entire lot cheaper than for men.|And generally, presents for ladies are a whole great deal more affordable than for men.|And typically, presents for females are a lot less costly than for men.|And usually, presents for females are an entire great deal less costly than for guys.|And generally, presents for females are an entire lot less expensive than for guys.|And typically, presents for women are a lot less expensive than for men.}</p>[/code]

The whole article when put through Copyscape returned back an amazing 7 duplicates found only!

Check out the results…


The important thing to notice is that most of the results are scattered. There is no large paragraph of text detected as duplicate!

You only get a couple of words that are the same.

You can get articlebuilder.net quality articles for free as part of your SEO Content Machine subscription.

The Downside

The only downside with this way of generating content is that it is entirely limited to selection by category.

Unfortunately you can't type in a keyword to get an article.

This means you will not get an exact keyword targeted article.

There is a very good chance however you will find a niche relevant article.

The only other thing to note also is that not ALL categories return articles, it depends entirely on how popular a category is and what already exists in the article pool.

Which Source Is The Best?

SEO content Machine supports 3 sources for generating content.

  1. Internal sources: Scraping articles from sites in the “article sources” and mashing the content together.
    Pros: More likely to get keyword relevant content.
    Cons: Quality & relevancy depends entirely on selecting high quality sources. Also uniqueness is going to be low unless its spun.
  2. Pre-Spun Articles: Download a pre-spun high quality.
    Pros: Highest quality auto-generated article you can get. Also likely to be very unique.
    Cons: Can be hit or miss when trying to get a keyword relevant article.
  3. Local Drive: Import your own PLR articles and mash them together.
    Pros: You control the quality, uniqueness and relevancy.
    Cons: You need to invest time or money attaining a good set of PLR articles.

The best article sources depends a lot on what kind of content you need.

With the new Pre-Spun Articles option however, SCM gives you another item in your content generation toolkit. Albeit a really awesome one.