Whats New

WordPress Poster + Bug Fixes

Hi everyone. Its a very big update.

I have added a WordPress poster within SCM. Not only does it do posting but it can also subscribe to feeds and help you auto post those.

Blog poster

I'll talk more about the new Blog Poster in time to come.

Bug Fixes + Changes

  • New Blog Poster
  • Removed NBUG. Less errors from using SCM.
  • Fixed error with SCM ignoring protected words
  • Proxy tweak to avoid getting stuck when no proxies are found
  • Insert links code works for all paragraph lengths
  • Added “Custom” links option. SCM will insert a custom token instead custom token
  • Improved handling of encoding types. Less funny symbols in articles
  • Article downloader will write results out every keyword to avoid memory crashes
  • Fixed an unlikely crash when contacting SCM server