
What is the difference between perpetual & yearly licenses?

SEO Content Machine offers a couple of different subscription options.

Recurring Subscriptions

  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Yearly


  • Perpetual License

All recurring subscriptions allow access to SEO Content Machine for the period of the subscription. Once the subscription expires your access to SCM to lost. You won't be able to login into the program to use it.

If you are on a subscription you always have access to the newest version of SCM.

Recurring subscriptions are best for users that need temporary access to SCM, or additional licenses to run on multiple PCs temporarily.

What is a perpetual license?

A perpetual license is an alternative way to access SEO Content Machine.

Think of it as standard software license.

You buy the program and use it for as long as you want, there is no expiry date.

However, access to new versions of SEO Content Machine eg “program updates” requires payment.

For 1 year of access to updates and support its $80 a year.

  • You can buy access to updates at anytime
  • You are not required to purchase updates in order to use SCM, you can keep using the last version of SCM that you downloaded

At anytime you want to access the newest version of SCM, you pay $80 and get 1 year of access to all new versions.

The first time you buy a perpetual license, your first year of updates and priority support comes free.

Contact Us if you have any questions.