
What we learned about content marketing?

what we learned on content marketing

Over hundreds of million blog posts have been analyzed to better understand the world of content marketing. Generally, content format, word count and headlines are being monitored to know how these factors affect the status in social media.

Here are some key facts:

1. Long content articles get more links than short form articles. This means that long form can attract more quality backlinks from high quality sites.

2. For social media shares, there is more attraction to users on longer content than on the shorter ones. However it should not be exceeded to 2000 words to keep its performance.

3. Most number of online content gets fewer social shares and backlinks. More than 90% of blog posts are not using external links.

4. Only a small percentage of Power Posts has no appropriate amount of social shares. Almost one percent of articles generate about 3/4 of all social shares.

5. There is no proof of correlation between backlinks and social shares.

6. More social shares corresponds longer headlines. Words with 14 – 17 in length of headlines generate almost 3/4 of social shares than short headlines

7. Make your headline a question that ends with question marks ?. Those headlines get almost 25% more social shares than those that do not end with a question mark.

8. No specific day of posting a content. Social shares can be distributed any day of the week.

9. List posts are a lot shared on social media. List posts have an average of more than 200% shares than “how to” posts and infographics.

10. There are certain formats that works better for getting backlinks on power post. It is proven that “Why, What” posts and infographics received 25% more links than videos and “how to” posts.

People tend to use the social media sharing for content marketing purposes. Each business create their own social media accounts because they believe that this is the great and easiest way to promote their businesses as the power of social media is now increasing.

Content marketing is an SEO strategy to help attract traffic and increase visibility of your content in the search engines. It is the best time for creating valuable content for your audience as we know that almost everyone is using social media nowadays.