
Where to find free online spinners

Everyone loves free stuff.

So I did a bit of trawling on the web and found some free online spinners for you!

Just a warning:

For some reason, a lot of the free “spinners” on the interwebs aren't actually spinners.

Believe it or not, all they do are convert articles in spintax into normal articles.

Technically, they should be called free “spinner converters” however I doubt my crying about it will cause the entire eco system to tighten up the definition of “spinner” in their web copy.

The following is a list of actually spinners that take content and re-write it for you.

All all free, some with no strings attached and some that require signup.

However, if you are in a pinch and need an article spun QUICKLY then these spinners will do the job.

I only included ONLINE spinners in this list. (I know there are free ones that you can download.

List of free online spinners

    The name says it all. Its free, a spinner and it really is the best one on the list. Paste in your text, hit spin and get an article with spintax.
    It won't 1-click spin for you but you can spin articles. Its a bit of a convoluted process as you need to “Launch Assisted Spin Editor” then manually select the synonyms you require.
    A one click spinner. Yeh! Paste in your text and hit “Next”. By warned… its sloooow. You can see the %% change as it crawls over each sentence to give you a spin. Most unfortunately it won't give you the results with the spintax intact. It will only give you a spun copy.
    Hard to use, that is it didn't always get results. Spinning “hello world” got me back this. “hello {earth|globe|mother earth|planet|blue planet|Terra|soil|dirt|loam|sod|clay|turf|ground|world}”. After about 5 tries of it, the site tried to get me to signup to its service. It does say “Free Trial”. You can upload docs to have it autospun, but I didn't try it.
    A another easy to use spinner, paste in your content and click “Rewrite”. A tad better than other alternatives as it gives you more options. Can select how many Nth words it should re-write, and even gives a slightly esoteric Synonym engine choice of “Engine 1, Engine 2 or Engine 3”
    Didn't want to load because I had an ad blocker installed. Unceremoniously prints out a page with “[adblockingdetector id=”1″]” on it. I won't disable my ad blocker just to test a free spinner. If you did, leave a comment below to tell me if it was any good…

List of free “spinner converters”

These bad boys lead you to think its a spinner but in actual fact it does spintax conversion only. Tsk tsk.
