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Improved content filtering for foreign languages

SEO Content Machine has always supported multiple language content download and is really the only content generator on the market to do so.

As part of on going improvements, the program now ships with stop words filtering for all major 15 languages.

The 15 languages that have first class support in SEO Content Machine are:

  1. Danish
  2. German
  3. English
  4. French
  5. Italian
  6. Japanese
  7. Korean
  8. Dutch
  9. Norwegian
  10. Portuguese
  11. Russian
  12. Spanish
  13. Swedish
  14. Chinese
  15. French

What this means is the content that SCM downloads gets improved content filtering so that you download less junk and find more relevant content for your keyword.

How to download content in another language

Lets show you how to find non-English content using the T1 Content tool as an example. The article creator would work very similarly.

Select content source in target language

The first step is to select content sources that are in your target language. Lets do a quick example use Spanish as our target language.

Using Google

Google is the best way to find content in any target language. For our example, we set the region to “Spain” and the language to “Spanish”.


Using Custom Sources

In addition to using Google to find content, we can add and use custom article sources. Luckily, SCM comes preloaded with some Spanish article directories.

custom spanish sources

Just click on the checkboxes of the article sites you want to use as content sources.

Verify content is being found

Once your content sources have been selected, the next thing is to verify that content is being found.

The best way to do so is to watch the application log entries.

links found

The first set of entries in the app log will always show you what page is being retrieved (Google Spain in the image above) and how many links was retrieved. Using Google we found 99 links for “gato” in spanish.

The program will visit each link and download the content it finds.

The content will then be filtered to ensure it is in the right language and doesn't contain irrelevant text.

In the Content Finder tool we can see the results.

content finder results

The most relevant snippets of text appear at the top.

All the important article topics appear below.

With stop word filtering in place, the article topics are much more relevant and informative. Eg “gato” was our keyword but we can see that it also picked up on “gatos” “animales” “felinos”.

If you didn't know, “gatos” means “cat” in Spanish.

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