The amazing features of modern-day auto content generators
The internet marketing scene is not that old. Relatively.
New ideas on how to monetise X Y & Z come up… and new programs to automate those ideas spring up.
Recently, in the past year or 2 auto content generators have come a long way to become quite sophisticated tools of the trade.
Content generators, aka automated article creating software can be very complex. There are a lot of settings, tweaks and options that although you may not need all those features today… you will want it one day.
Auto content generators are for MASSIVE link building efforts. Content in the 100s for automated link building campaigns.
Its because of the rise of programs like SENUKE, GSA SER, Ultimate Demon etc that the need for low cost content has brought about such a demand for auto generated content.
The holy grail “white hat” method is to pay a team of writers to create your articles and spin them by hand. However, this is expensive and scales poorly for link building programs that demand 1000s of pages of content to drive your big link building efforts.
This is where an auto content generator makes life easy.
The idea?
Scrape 100s of articles related to your keyword, re-arrange the paragaphs/sentences into new articles, re-write them (automatically) to make them unique and re-use them in spintax form to create 100s of unique article variations.
The benefit?
Create 100s of articles for your link building campaigns in only minutes.
Something that would take days by hand.
Not forgetting that a content generator will also, find relevant image URLS, video links, keywords and even write those about me descriptions.
In fact,
Auto content generators do more than just building content alone. They bring a whole lot of awesome other features… such as auto posting to WordPress, auto article re-writing (with a spinner) and even language translation.
And more…
Adding of videos, images and titles. Just like how human writers can spice up their articles with images and videos, content generators can do the same.

Content generators scrape many multiple sources + filter content out for junk.
Most SEO generators these days, scrape from high-ranking article sites to find usable content and proceed to filter that content to extract only the most relevant parts. (it's not perfect though)

Auto content generators of today can auto re-write (spin your content)
Almost every content generator comes with some function to make the content more unique.
By replacing words in your article with synonyms from a sophisticated thesaurus, you get automatic re-writes of your content.

Import and use your own content.
Now you have another way to use all those 1000s of PLR article sitting on your hard drive collecting virtual dust.
Import those text files, spin them and even re-arrange them into new articles and post that to your own blogs.

You can generate “other content”
Search Engine Optimization is not just about articles. Most tools come with “about me” generators, article downloaders and even keyword research tools.
It has content translation capabilities.
Another impressive feature is for the SEO generator software to be able to translate content from one language to another in BULK.

It provides full control of the content quality.
Most all content generators provide you levels of control: Quality Vs Uniqueness.
Your articles will be super unique, but will read poorly OR

Read well, but suffer from being more likely marked as duplicate content.
BTW building content using the above Tier 1 Content Creator yields articles 80%+ unique according to Copyscape.
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