
Changelog New content filtering options for the content wizard

The content wizard has gotten a slight update and tweak.

A new page has been added that allows you to keep or remove content depending on what words it contains.

The new page appears after keyword selection.


In the top box you can enter junk words. Every paragraph or sentence that contains that word will be removed.

The bottom box is a positive text filter, it only keeps content that uses a specified word.

The best way to use it is:

  • If there are words you know are spam such as “crack,xxx,click here” you can put each word on its own line to remove that content from being used to create an article.
  • Some words you do want, a good one is to enter your article keyword. If you are writing an article about “dog training” you want to keep and content that uses the word “dog” or “training”.

Other changes

There have been other bug fixes and changes to!

  • SCM would error if it was not able to update the file containing information about the posts in a blog folder. This might be due to anti-virus or because another program is trying to update that file at the same time. Now SCM will retry up to 5 times and wait 1 sec between each retry before giving up.
  • If you use the junk filter button, any word that has a + in front of it is treated as an “OR”. Eg,
    Before it would remove a sentence that didn't use cat AND dog, now it will keep sentences that use either cat OR dog.
  • If SCM was trying to solve a Google captcha but had a solving error, it will now write out a more detailed reason for the failure. Most likely its because you ran out of captcha breaking credits.
  • If you are using replacement rules in the article creator, they will now run on keywords that have been scraped. This is great because it means you can completely replace content scraped using one keyword with another one. Eg, download content for “pies in new york” then replace “new york” with “boston” to now have content about “pies in boston”.Its a great way to find content that can be used for related keywords that by themselves wouldn't return much content.
  • A very easy update, the “Clear TMP” button which clears the cached files downloaded from sites now shows how many files are in your TMP folder.SCM caches any content it downloads so that it can speed up the content extraction when the same site is downloaded for multiple keywords.You might want to clear this cache to reclaim HD space, or to force SCM to re-download content.
    file count
  • A simple “make life easier” enhancement for people that use the “About me generator”.
    about meIn addition to “previewing” what it looks like, you can just click on “Copy About Me” and it will generate and give you an about me profile without all that spintax in it.
    Every time you click on that button you get a new about me.
    The great thing about the SCM About me generator is that it can include your primary keyword and even an optional link. Perfect for those “about you” or “bio” sections in websites.
  • Have 100s of blog folders in SCM and can't find the one you want?
    Well now you can with advanced folder filtering. Just click on the “Edit Filter” button which now appears under any blog folder browser control.
    folder filterThe filter editor is a very advanced feature that allows you to filter on folder name, blog name etc using a simple GUI editor.
    You guys have been vocal about having this one feature added and now it's ready for you.
  • The next change is a minor GUI edit. The expand/collapse button on top of the blog browser tree always looked like an “Add/Remove” button and it was confusing.
    expand collapse blog folders
    I have changed it to “up/down” arrow so it's more obvious what it does. Ie expand collapse the tree.
  • The final change to SCM was to allow it to print out long detailed stacktrace errors when an unknown bug occurs. Previously it was a short one liner that would sometimes make it hard to figure out what happened when a bug report came in via email. With the detailed error messages it is going to make it a quicker more expedited process. Also, don't forget to attach the application log if you ever have an error.
    app log menuAlways include a copy of the app log when you submit a bug report, it's as easy as right clicking and hitting “copy”.
    app logWhen you contact us we also provide a space and a friendly reminder!
    App log it

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